15 JUN 2021
Alexandra Dovgan
«Alexandra Dovgan finds a natural affinity with the compositions she plays imbuing the music with stillness, brilliance and breath. It is a joy to accompany this young master of music. » Trevor Pinnock
Alexandra Dovgan was born in 2007 into a family of musicians and began her piano studies when she was four and a half years of age. At the age of five, her talent emerged when she passed the extremely competitive selections to join the Academic Central Music School of Moscow State Conservatory, where she is currently studying under renowned teacher Mira Marchenko.
Alexandra is a prize winner at five international competitions, among them Moscow International Vladimir Krainev Piano Competition, International Young Pianists Competition “Astana Piano Passion”, International Television contest for young musicians “The Nutcracker”. Alexandra was only 10 years old when she won the Grand Prix at the II International “Grand Piano Competition” (artistic director Denis Matsuev). The recordings of this event have travelled the world on Medici.TV and YouTube moving musicians and piano lovers all around the globe.
Despite her young age, Alexandra has already made her debut in some of the most prestigious concert halls: in 2018 she opened the Mariinsky International Piano Festival with DenisMatsuevandValery Gergiev in St. Petersburg. In 2019 she made her first appearance at the Philharmonie in Berlin and at the Great Hall of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, within Marco Riaskoff’s Meesterpianisten Series, receiving a standing ovation and enthusiastic reviews by the press. In July 2019, she impressed critics and public alike with a highly acclaimed recital at Salzburg Festival. A triumphal recital at the Théâtre des Champs Elysées in Paris in November ended this remarkable year.
Despite the pandemic, in Autumn 2020 Alexandra Dovgan performed a series of impressive concerts. In October she returned to Salzburg to play with the Mozarteum Orchestra under the baton of Trevor Pinnock, in Ljubliana with Slovenska Filharmonija under Philipp von Steinaecker and in Lugano with Orchestra Svizzera Italiana conducted by François Leleux.
Among Alexandra’s major engagements in 2021 there are recitals at Vienna Konzerthaus, Berlin Boulez Saal, Munich Prinzregententheater, Paris Théâtre des Champs Elysées, Zurich Tonhalle, Klavier-Festival Ruhr, and in Basel, Milan, Copenhagen etc. Major events with orchestra include the Stockholm Philharmonic with Ton Koopman, Barcelona Symphony with Kazushi Ono, Basel Chamber Orchestra with Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli.
Spontaneous depth and consciousness along with a sound of incredible beauty and precision are the distinguishing characteristics of Alexandra’s pianism. You will not find any element of showing off or technical demonstration in her piano playing but an impressive concentration combined with purity of expression and a creative imagination. She possesses a charismatic presence on stage and a distinct personality.
Away from the piano, Alexandra loves skiing, playing the organ, learning ballet, mathematics and spending time with her little brother.
Photographic credits:
Alexandra Dovgan © Oscar Tursunov